Why subscribe?

Because it’s a mix of life stuff, odds & ends, pop culture jokes, and personal recommendations, all in one email. Sometimes I’ll throw in a recipe or other surprises. Doesn’t that sound nice? Think of it as a break from all those work emails that demand too much of your time and the impersonal coupon codes for stuff you’ll never buy. It’s like an old-fashioned letter from me to you without the possibly of a paper cut. Lots of good stuff.

Who is this again?

Oh, it’s me, Andrea Laurion. I’ve written for a bunch of places and I’ve performed on a bunch of stages (a ‘writer and performer’ is my typical self-description). I’m on Twitter and Instagram, like everybody else. We probably met at party one time or it just feels like we did.

Other fun facts: I’m really good at cooking breakfast, I once threw out the first pitch at a Pittsburgh Pirates game, and I’ve never learned how to play chess.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything (PHEW, am I right). Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox-slash-possibly your promotions folder, so keep an eye out for it there.

In the meantime, tell your friends! Especially if they check their emails. You know what I mean.

Subscribe to You Know What I Mean

Writing stuff, life stuff, pop culture stuff, advice stuff, cute stuff, stuff stuff. All the good stuff, ya know?


A writer, editor, and audio producer coming to you from Burlington, Vermont.